Update on Coronavirus Procedures at Tribe Lifestyle Salons A message from Luke Smart, owner Tribe and Lucespace Lifestyle Salons In light of the continued uncertainty in the community with the outbreak of Covid 19 (Coronavirus), I wanted to write directly to our customers to share the actions we have been taking in each of our salons to mitigate the transmission of this virus. Hygiene is critical Our priority is the safety of our team and that of our customers. It has been clear from the start that good hygiene rituals are the best way to tackle any virus.
- We invite all guests to use the hand sanitiser available at reception on arrival.
- We have both hand sanitiser and hand cream available in all our salons.
- We have tailored our signature rituals to focus on head, shoulder and back,
- Our team have been instructed to wash their hands before each service and at completion each station is wiped with disinfectant.
- We will be using single use doubled wall recycled paper cups instead of our traditional glasses and regrettably magazines will be unavailable.
- All surfaces throughout the salon are regularly cleaned during the day with special attention to reception, eftpos machines, phones and computers.